Hand Made Life
Drew and I had the delight of spending an afternoon filming with author, playwright, and all around creative human being, Pauline La Bel for our short documentary, Sound Water.
On our ferry ride over to Bowen Island, I brought up the insanity of choosing the potentially “harder path.” You know the one. The one that takes a less traditional route, rather than the well trodden path. Like working for the ferries, earning $30 an hour with a pension and a steady income. Like, why are we making things so complicated in our attempts to make a living instead of just taking on what's there?
Of course, working a pensionable, regular, stable job isn't necessarily what I want, or a bad thing. But why go through the ups and downs, battles with doubt, taxes, legalities, uncertainties, etc. etc. So we brought this question to Pauline. To give you a little context, Pauline is writer, performer, singer and has had an emmy nomination to boot. She's also 74 and published her third novel at 68. Needless to say, she's a boss.
The response she gave was wonderful. Simply put, she said: "you’re choosing the hand made life.” That sentence stopped us in our tracks and put a smile on our face.
Yes, this is the hand made life.
In other news, we didn't get the Story Hive grant, but are still going to make this documentary happen (of course!). If you know any generous private donors, hit us up!
Drew enjoying the left over hand made pizza.