Overcoming Self-criticism.


"In certain states of humiliation around work, there is a mocking and contemptuous voice inside one's head. It suggests that love, respect and kindness only ever come via worldly success and competence...We need to incorporate a voice that separates out achievement from love. That reminds us that we may be worth of affection even if we fail and that being a winner is only one part and not necessarily the most important part of one's identity. - The School of life."

The School of Life, coming in hot when one needs it most. The title is a bit deceiving, but it is a beautiful reflection on our tendencies for self-criticism. I know I deal a lot with self-criticism and this was the perfect video to create some space and give me some perspective. I hope it does the same. Here's to cultivating a better relationship with our inner-self. 

Here's to more compassion. Less negative self-talk.

More rest, self-care, and reflection. Less burnout. 

More generosity and vulnerability. Less stinginess and fear. 

More fun and connection, Less stress and anxiety. 

Here's to Wednesday. Here's to another day.